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DUI Attorneys in Portage, Indiana

Scared and not sure where to turn? The attorneys Dogan & Dogan are experienced in handling DWI and OWI charges is here to help you navigate the process.

Protecting Your Rights and Driving Privileges

In Indiana, driving under the influence or drugs or alcohol is a serious matter that Judges do not take lightly. Any person operating any type of vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) above .08 can be charged with a DUI offense regardless of whether the driver is impaired or not. DUI charges can have a substantial affect on your job, family, and life. Receiving multiple DUI charges will have an even more severe impact on your life.

If you have been charged with DUI, OWI or BUI (Boating Under the Influence), contact our DUI attorneys as soon as possible in order to receive the best outcome possible. The experienced criminal defense attorneys at Dogan & Dogan will be your guide through the Indiana legal system with their experience and dedication to finding the best solution given your circumstances. This includes organizing an acceptable plea agreement or taking the case to court. Whatever the case, we will advise you of your best options.

Did you know that you only have 10 days to challenge the administrative revocation of your driving privileges? Do not wait.  Work with an experienced OWI attorney from Dogan & Dogan Attorneys At Law who will navigate you through the complex world of drunk driving and help protect your rights and driving privileges.   

CDL Traffic Violations

Helping You Act Quickly to Keep Your License

We have helped clients who were dealing with:

  • First offense
  • Second offense
  • Third and subsequent offenses
  • Test refusals
  • Restoring your driving rights
  • Temporary restricted licenses (a.k.a. work permit or school permit)
  • OWI penalties

We know the questions to ask and the procedures that must be followed when a person is tested for Operating While Intoxicated. We will thoroughly investigate the charges so we can provide aggressive representation for you.

Frequently Asked Questions about Drunk Driving Charges

  • Do I have to be drunk to be charged with a DUI or OWI?

    No. Impairment is not a necessary to be charged with a DUI. Every person handles alcohol differently so the state has decided that any one with a blood alchol level of .08 or higher can be charged with a DUI, regardless of how impaired they might be. 

    The level of impairment is a matter that the experienced attorneys at Dogan & Dogan will bring up in court to help fight the charge.

  • Do I have to consent to a breathalyzer test?

    You might be surprised to learn you have already consented as a condition of getting a driver's license in Indiana. 

    Upon receiving a driver's license in Indiana, you implicitly commit to adhering to the rules of the road and complying with law enforcement directives. This encompasses the agreement to undergo a breathalyzer test if an officer has reasonable suspicion that you may be operating a vehicle under the influence.

     If you refuse it could result in further charges. 

    I.C. 9-30-6-1 states that a person “who operates a vehicle impliedly consents to submit to the chemical test provision of this chapter as a condition of operating a vehicle in Indiana.”


  • Does it make sense to refuse a breathalyzer test?

    Many believe that they are helping their case by refusing to take a breathalyzer test, This is not true, as the police will likely request a warrant for a blood draw so the results will be introudced regardless. 

    The fact that there was a refusal can later be used against you. If you have already refused to take a chemical DUI test, contact us right away so we can mount a defense.

  • Do you have to be operating a vehicle to be charged with OWI?

    There are various charges that can result from operating any type of vehicle or watercraft while intoxicated. Dogan & Dogan has successfully represented clients charged with DUI, OWI and even Boating Under the Influence. We know how to help you deal with these kind of charges.

  • Are there different standards for teenagers who are caught drinking and driving?

    Any teenager driving with a blood alcohol level of .02 or more can be charged with driving while intoxicated.

  • Will my license be suspended after a DUI?

    That depends. There are many factors that go into the final charges. Contact us to learn how the process works and how we can help you to get the best possible outcome in your case.

  • What are Compounding Factors?

    Compounding factors are situations that can cause additional charges in a DUI case. For example if a person has a blood alcohol content of .15 or more, 100 hours of community service and a fine will be added to the sentence. 

    Having children in the vehicle is another example of a compounding factor.

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